홈 - Anma Wind

Generating over 1,400GWh of clean electricity every year, Anma Offshore Wind is expected to provide power to more than 1.4 million South Koreans annually. The wind farm will contribute meaningfully to South Korea’s ambitious sustainability goals, and to


-위치: 안마도 인근 해상 

-2017.09: 육상 윈드 측정 LiDAR 장비 설치

-2022.12 환경영향평가 본안접수

-2023.07.24: 대한민국 환경부와의 협의를 거쳐 532MW 해상풍력단지에 대한 환경영향평가(이하 환평) 본안 통과가 완료

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